Anan Kids

3 effective tips for creating a positive learning environment at home

3 effective tips for creating a positive learning environment at home - Anan Kids Academy

Whether you struggle to stay engaged or your child has difficulty with school, the cause may be your home environment. A lack of positive reinforcement, adult role models, and an overly competitive culture create an unsupportive learning environment at home. If your child isn’t getting the support they need at school, it’s time to change […]

What’s all the buzz about preschool franchises?

What's all the buzz about preschool franchises - Anan Kids Academy

Franchising has become an increasingly popular option for entrepreneurs looking to start their own businesses. One area that is seeing a surge in franchise opportunities is the preschool market. In the last few years, several new franchises have been popping up throughout the globe, offering services like daycare and preschool education. So, what’s all the buzz […]

Here’s how you can help your child read better

Here's how you can help your child read better- Anan Kids Academy

Reading is an important skill for children as it helps them develop their language and communication skills. It also helps them learn new concepts, build their vocabulary, and increase their mental stimulation. If you want to help your child read better, below are simple things you can do to encourage them.   Make reading a priority […]

Franchising in education: the future

Franchising in education the future - Anan Kids Academy

Education has always been a cornerstone of society, but in the last decade, we have seen a massive shift in the way it is delivered. Franchising has become increasingly popular in the education sector as more and more people opt for personalized learning experiences. This blog post will discuss why franchising has become so successful […]

5 Signs that you are destined to be a Woman Entrepreneur

Franchising in education the future - Anan Kids Academy

You know you want to be your boss, but is entrepreneurship really for you? If you can relate to the following five signs, the answer is a resounding “yes!”  You’re always hustling.  You’re always finding ways to add value and make things happen, even when you need to get paid more. You can’t help it – it’s […]

Now is the right time to invest in a preschool franchise

Now is the right time to invest in a preschool franchise - Anan Kids Academy

It’s no secret that the early childhood education industry is booming. In fact, it’s expected to grow by nearly 7% in the next few years! If you’ve been thinking about investing in a preschool franchise, now is the time to do it. Here are 5 reasons why: The demand for early childhood education is at […]

Top 3 reasons why preschool franchises make a great business opportunity for women

Top 3 reasons why preschool franchises make a great business opportunity for women

Preschool franchises are a lucrative business opportunity for women for a number of reasons. Not only is the demand for quality preschools higher than ever, but starting a preschool franchise also allows you to be your own boss and have a flexible schedule. If you’re considering starting a business in the education industry, here are three reasons you should […]

The soaring demand for premium preschools

The soaring demand for premium preschools - Anan Kids

Everywhere you turn these days, there’s a new premium preschool popping up. So what’s all the fuss about? Why are parents willing to shell out big bucks for their little ones to attend these schools? Let’s take a closer look at the top three reasons behind the demand for premium preschools. Quality Education One of the main […]

Unleash the fullest potential of the Pre-School Franchise Business in India!

preschool Franchise

Education is the second most profitable commercial enterprise in India after healthcare. And Education is the second largest expenditure of middle-class households. If favor having an accurate profit whilst contributing to society, then you must begin a preschool, which is a worthwhile enterprise in India. Education is quintessential for everyone. When it comes to children and toddlers, fundamental training is essential for them due to the fact it is the spine for any child to get started out in their life. To begin a profitable preschool business, the minimal funding required is around 15 lakhs to a most of 20 […]